How to save time training others with talking ads.
Recording your own Talking-ads.
What you've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. We have many more benefits to reveal, but here is one of the most important things you can do with this technology that most people do not know about, yet. You can use your web enabled conference room to record and distribute your own talking-ads! Or talking brochures or talking testimonials. Whatever you want to call them.
Here is just one example of how well this product gets information in front of people and makes it easy for them to buy from you. All with very little effort on your part.
In fact, many times without you even knowing they are looking at your products and services. Not until you get a phone call with questions about your product or an e-mail with a report (invoice) stating that you made another sale! I will give you examples of how this happens to me all the time for sales of my books.
For now, here are a few examples of talking ads.
1. An example of a live business opportunity seminar that is recorded.
2. An example of a recorded presentation and talking ad.
3. An example of a testimonial ad for cleaning up spyware from your pc. You can record as many of these talking ads for your business in your conference room.
Can you see how quickly I can introduce you to a product or service without spending a lot of time or money marketing the product to you? You can use this technology too!
Let's take a minute to review additional benefits of this technology.
As you can see, there are many tremendous benefits of this technology. You might not think of things this way, but I always like to analyze benefits of any new business tool in order of importance. I did this when I first heard of this technology. Here are the benefits as I see them, in reverse order of importance.
1. No long distance charges.
Because you talk back and forth through your microphone and speakers, the technology allows you to talk to clients longer because there are no long distance expenses (as long as you have access to the Internet with out long distance charges).
So of course this is a major benefit but this is still not the most important benefit of this product. At least not if you truly explore all of the applications of this technology.
But it is nice to know that at least for now, clients in smaller towns that still are charged 25-50 cents per minute for long distance are much more willing to stay on a sales presentation or training call with me longer when you use this technology. Which means a better chance for you to close a sale with them or for them to makes sales in the future, right? Right.
2. Push (share) web sites, Power Point (TM) presentations and more.
This is the real value of a web conference room for sales presentations because we all know the following two things in sales:
(a) A picture is worth a thousand words.
You never let the sale get away.
If the client is ready to buy, get the pen and contact in front of them. If you are in a conference room, this means to get them to your sign-up page on the Internet and walk them through the process! That's right. With this technology, not only can you make your visual and verbal presentation to anyone in the world who has access to a computer and the Internet, you can also take them to the sign up (purchase page) and walk them through the process. You can even answer any questions they have, live, while you see the very same web page they see.
3. You can record the entire interaction and allow others to view in the future.
With this technology, you can actually record:
(a) The voice interaction between you and all other persons in the room.
The text messages that were typed back and forth as questions, answers and comments.
(c) The web sites and power point presentations that were made during the meeting.
Now, why would I want to record the meeting? And why is this so important?
Well, for the following reasons (again with the most important reasons at the end, at least in my mind).
1. Legal reasons.
Have you ever had a successful business meeting, then a few days or years later, you say to yourself (or your attorney), "I don't think that is what they and I agreed upon! What do I do now?"
You might still want to work with an attorney, but you might also be able to contact the person or company and say "I'm not sure that is exactly what we agreed on. If you remember, I asked you if we could meet in my conference room for this meeting, and you said it was fine for me to record the conversation and the web sites we visited... so in the interest of being factual, lets' take a listen to that conversation again. Do you want me to meet me in my room to view it again, or shall I send you the link on the Internet? Or do you want me to send it to you attached in an e-mail? On second thought actually, I imagine as it is a confidential matter, I'd better just keep it off the Internet send it to you on a CD... I'll send the CD in the mail for you today."
Can you see how this will save misunderstandings in the future? Absolutely. No doubt about it. The facts are in the recording.
2. Saving time and travel expenses.
Along these lines, what do you think is a better way to have meetings?
Option 1. Driving or flying to meetings and recording meetings on your cassette player.
Option 2 Meeting in a conference room on the Internet, saving travel expenses and being able to play back the voice conversation, web pages you visited and the messages you typed back and forth.
I think we both know what is the most cost effective and time efficient option here.
3. As a sales tool.
As I just noted, there are a variety of ways to distribute the recorded presentations and events. You and your team should use the recorded events as a sales tool too.
For example, you can distribute your recorded presentations on a CD or DVD. Or place it on a web site for anyone with access to the Internet to view. Or you can even send it out attached to an e-mail. Talk about leveraging your time and knowledge! In addition, many also use the recorded version to cut down on the need for making multiple presentations daily or weekly.
You can also set up a web site to make it easy for members of your team to give presentations using the corporate (or your) Power Point (TM) presentation in the conference room.
They can do that in one of three ways.
1. They can invite prospects into the room to listen to a live presentation.
2. They can invite people into the room to listen to the recorded presentation.
3. Finally, they can use the slides in the room to give their own presentation.
Here is an example. You can see how the slides are set up in a menu on the left hand side of the screen so that associates can easily give their own presentation.
Your team (and you) can find a link to the recorded version at the bottom of the page on the left hand side.
Here is that link as an example.
4. As a way to expand your sales territory.
As we mentioned above, it's a great tool to cut down on travel and expenses. In addition, this technology will increase your geographical area for sales and recruiting because you can now service a larger territory with less time and less expense. We do this every day with the companies that I consult with. We have companies and individual who use the technology to meet one on one, in 3 way calls, for group sales presentations, seminars and training sessions. In many meetings, we have dozens of participants, with 20 or 30 states represented, and we're just getting started. But we already use the tool to meet, recruit, train and motivate. It works.
More about that in just a bit.
5. To resell as seminars and learning tools:
Of course you have to follow a few rules here, but many people today record and resell their seminars and training sessions. For astounding profits. And you can too.
This is called a webinar. All you have to do is record the presentation in the conference room, then post the files in a password protected area on your web site so that others can play the presentation at their own leisure.
You can also sell it and distribute it on CD or DVD or copy it to a VHS tape. Or attach it in e-mail. The main disclaimer here is that you need to consult with an attorney about any legalities for recording laws and to appropriately and legally notify people that you are recording the event. And of course you must be recording your own materials or have permission to record and resell the recording of the events. Finally, you must be selling legal products, seminars, events and materials.
6. For critique of sales presentations.
Have you ever been surprised by what you see when you see a new picture of yourself or see yourself on a Christmas or vacation video? The exact same thing can happen when you review your business presentations. The thing is, you might be pleasantly or not so pleasantly surprised! See what others see, and adjust appropriately.
I even use the conference rooms to record practice sessions to critique my presentations.
7. Training purposes.
I also record and distribute my meetings and special training tips for the members of my team so they can see how I sell my products and services. This allows my sales team and affiliates to duplicate my efforts and income. I also distribute the recorded materials from other professionals to my teams. I even have daily meetings in the morning for those who can attend, and send the link to the recording for those who cannot attend. As we will discuss further, one of the main goals of my life is to duplicate my business, my efforts and myself. What better way to do this than to send my followers a recording of my thoughts, meetings, sales pitches, training sessions and more, at zero cost? Wow.
8. Efficient use of your time.
This technology allows me to make the best use of my time. Now I can make a sales pitch or train more than one person at a time. This is simple economies of scale.
Think about this; Would you rather give a total of twenty (thirty minute) presentations to individuals or give one (thirty minute) presentation to twenty people?
In addition, group training and brainstorming sessions many times brings up questions and ideas that you might not have thought about by yourself. Finally, group meetings create a certain buzz and excitement that is not found in individual meetings.
9. Duplicating you and your efforts.
Most importantly, it allows me to train other people do what I do. Always remember this: When possible, leverage your time and resources by training others to do what you do. Especially when working with companies that pay for referrals or allow you to build teams and share in the efforts and successes of many. With many business opportunities, this is the difference between making a good income and fantastic, life changing good income. We'll talk about this topic throughout the book.
10. Recording and distributing your own talking-ads.
Are you interested in seeing how it works? We've explained the benefits of having your own talking-ad, but you can click here to learn how to record your own. and a few examples for you to review, to see how you would create your own talking-ad.
1. An example of a live business opportunity seminar that is recorded.
2. An example of a recorded presentation and talking ad.
3. An example of a testimonial ad for cleaning up spyware from your pc.
You can record as many of these talking ads for your business in your conference room.
As you can tell, I can feel confident in telling you right now, that this is the next new business tool everyone will have in a few short months. It truly is it is the new fax machine, computer or e-mail that changes the way we communicate and work.
It truly has replaced the telephone for me. I hate to admit this and hope it does not show often, but I am almost grumpy when people do not know how to get on the Internet and into my conference room to talk to me online about their business or my book or whatever!
Now I just have them meet in my room with me and push web sites to my prospects and team members while I tell them about the product or service.
This is a pleasant change for me, from driving to all my meetings, waiting in traffic, burning up time and other resources. Yes, quite a nice change indeed.
I've just given you a few examples of how I am changing the way I work. Before we review the many additional tools I use to automate my work and my life, I want you to start thinking about how you do things and if it is time for a change for you.